May 13, 2019



Vancouver, B.C. (April 26 2019) – Early last year, GM Johnson Maps (GMJ) published Canada’s first large print provincial road map. Since then, GMJ has published seven large print provincial road maps. No other Canadian map publisher is selling provincial road maps in large print format.


These unique maps are incredibly easy to read because the size of the map text are 10 – 40% larger than regular print maps. The use of double lined streets and bright colors help map readers distinguish between freeways, highways, arterial and collector roads. Parks, universities, hospitals, and golf courses are just a few of many useful features on the maps. Included is an easy to use community and selected features index.


GM Johnson Maps first started publishing large print maps in the USA. In 2006, GMJ published its first ever large print state road map. Up to that point, GMJ was publishing state maps in regular print. GMJ began publishing large print state maps in response to customer feedback. Sales have been so successful that they outsell GM Johnson’s regular print state maps. Currently, the Oregon Large Print State Map and the Washington Large Print State Map outsell GMJ’s regular print state maps of the same areas two to one. GM Johnson now publishes 8 large print state maps compared to three regular print state maps. Rand McNally USA liked the idea of large print state maps so much that they no longer publish regular print state maps.


These popular maps as well as GM Johnson’s continued expansion of their product line is why the business is still operating at a healthy rate. Another factor as to why the company is healthy is because the industry has shrunk and the continent’s median age has been consistently aging for well over 30 years. GMJ, a Vancouver based map publisher has been publishing street maps of US cities since 1994. GMJ has mapping coverage (over 600 titles) all across the United States. Since early 2018, GMJ has published close to sixty different street/regional/provincial maps of Canada.


The BC Large Print Provincial Map is available at Select Independent Bookstores, Select Passages Gift Shops on BC Ferries and Specialty Travel Stores. Easy to Read Map Books are available at the above-mentioned locations, select Save-on-Foods and select Chapters / Indigo / Coles Bookstores throughout British Columbia.


For more information on GM Johnson & Associates Ltd. visit www.gmjohnsonmaps.com